Shipping Policy

Free Shipping

If you are shipping to a country within the European Union, your country may be eligible for free shipping on orders with a value greater than 350 euros. Free Shipping will be calculated and automatically applied at checkout.

International orders:

Please allow around 1-2 working days for your order to be processed.

Shipment times for international packages are displayed below, based on region. (Please note times are based on estimates and subject to change)

Customs & Duties

When shipping abroad, your package may be subject to taxes. To receive your package, you must pay all duties for the item to be released. 8thUniverse is not liable for any duties or taxes, nor can we predict the taxes you will incur.


If you do not pickup or accept your item, and the item is returned to us, you will be subject to a return fee with a minimum of 45 euros. This is calculated based on destination and size of the order. This will automatically be charged to your card on file. If you would like us to reship the order, you will be required to pay an additional 15 euros minimum to cover the cost of shipment.

Zone 1 - Austria
Standard Shipping - Tracking incl.
2-4 Days
€ 6 EUR
Zone 2 - Germany, Switzerland, Czechia
Standard Shipping - Tracking incl.
2-4 Days
€ 6,99 EUR
Zone 3 - EU Member states
Standard Shipping - Tracking incl.
4-7 Days
€ 20 EUR
Zone 4 - European Continent (Excl. EU)
Standard Shipping - Tracking incl.
4-7 Days
€ 22 EUR
Zone 5 - North America
Standard Shipping - Tracking incl.
7-14 Days
€ 25 EUR
Zone 6 - Worldwide
Standard Shipping - Tracking incl.
14- 20 Days
€ >30 EUR